
时间:2022-01-20 18:23:06 | 作者:

  • 大寒的谚语 推荐度:
  • 大寒谚语 推荐度:
  • 描写霜降的谚语 推荐度:
  • 立冬的谚语 推荐度:
  • 立冬的天气谚语 推荐度:
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  1 .A drop of spring water.

  2 .The twelfth lunar month of the twelfth lunar month, early spring, spring and spring water.

  3 .In spring, there is a slope in the spring, in summer, in autumn, and in winter.

  4 .The spring breeze is like wine, it knows nothing.

  5 .Spring planting Yin (north slope), winter planting Yang (south slope).

  6 .The Yangtze river is green and green, and the lotus leaves are as big as money.

  7 .Jiangpu thunder last night, spring city and the color of the cold.

  8 .Sometimes it rains at three o 'clock, and there are ten flowers everywhere.

  9 .In the Ming dynasty, the buds were spring, and the buds were spring.

  1 0 .Don't sow wheat in the spring.

  1 1 .Spring covers the autumn, less miscellaneous diseases.

  1 2 .February is full of wine and green and green.

  1 3 .A year's plan is in spring, and the plan of a lifetime is diligence.

  1 4 .People who do not cherish autumn do not really love spring.

  1 5 .The sting of the insects is like mud.

  1 6.Spring is not busy, autumn is not busy.

  1 7 .The spring equinox herb.

  1 8.Autumn ploughing is deep and spring is shallow.

  1 9 .Spring chicken preserved duck.

  2 0.February 2nd thunder, rice heavier hammer.

  2 1.Spring food, summer melon, autumn radish.

  2 2 .The hillside is warm, spring should not be late.

  2 3.Rain and rain forecast a good harvest.