
时间:2020-05-13 00:00:00 | 作者:未知


  上语文课的`时候,突然间,电风扇的扇片掉了.我们警惕起来,有的人甚至还逃到外面去了. “啪!啪!啪!”电扇一瞬间“发狂”,吓死我了,还以为是地震呢.后来一看,原来是一点小事.刚离开桌子,又坐回去了.遇到事情要先冷静.老师关掉风扇,这事同学们心中的石头才落下来. 幸好大家反应快,电扇也还饶了我们一命——扇片没砸到人.否则,大家就要大喊大叫了,好像天塌下来的大事了. 这电扇由于很多地方老化了,所以才闹出这样的事的.不过同时也告诉了我们,遇到事情一定要冷静!

  In Chinese class, all of a sudden, the fan of the electric fan fell off. We are on guard. Some of us have even escaped outside. "Crack! Crack! "Crack!" For a moment, the fan went crazy and scared me to death. I thought it was an earthquake. Later, it turned out to be a small thing. Just left the table and sat back. Calm down when you meet something. When the teacher turned off the fan, the stones in the students' hearts fell. Fortunately, everyone responded quickly, and the electric fan also saved our lives — the fan didn't hit people. Otherwise, everyone will shout, as if the sky is falling down. This fan is aging in many places, so something like this happened. But at the same time, I also told us that we must be calm when we meet something!